Friday, June 7, 2013

1 Data Comparison of BPS vs. Charter Schools SWD, ELL Populations

This is a snapshot of top 5 (who has highest #s) and bottom 5 (who has lowest #s) for each type of school in Boston based on MADESE data not "selective choice", there is no interpretation of the data at all, just showing the actual numbers. There is more to come very soon and every school WILL be included!

Comparison of BPS public schools vs. Boston Charter Schools
Student Populations of Students with Disabilities (SWD) & 
English Language Learners (ELL)

ALL data for these charts came directly from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (MADESE) - raw numbers used!

5 Highest schools per each population and school type:

5 Lowest schools per each population and school type:



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